CRE-MSD's 2024-25 Call for Seed Grant Proposals is Now Open
CRE-MSD is pleased to announce that the 2024-25 call for seed grant proposals is now open. Applications are due Friday June 7, 2024.
CRE-MSD Launches New Ontario MSD Prevention Guideline Website
The Ontario MSD Prevention Guideline Website has been redeveloped to provide a better user experience and make it easier to access resources.
New CRE-MSD Position Paper: Musculoskeletal Disorders and Mental Health: The Role of Psychosocial Factors in Optimizing Prevention
Are you interested in learning more about how psychosocial factors are related to common workplace injuries like musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) and mental health injuries, and what can be done to optimize their prevention?
Webinar - The Minnesota Safe Patient Handling Statute
In this second webinar on Safe Patient Handling in the United States, the State of Minnesota will be presented as a case study for safe patient handling standards and the resulting impact on injury prevention.
Webinar - Vibration Exposures in Arborists – Do Cut Types and Directions Make a Difference for MSD Prevention?
Arborists are exposed to repetitive tasks with forceful exertions, along with vibration, noise, and environmental factors, which all contribute to the risk of injury. This webinar will share the results of research that examined hand-arm vibration to the upper extremity in arborists while completing common tree abatement tasks, as well as the effects of these exposures on fine motor control.